Software Training

Equipping Teams with Technical Knowledge

Background: Our client is a global engineering company with over 15,000 employees. They provide products, systems and services to the oil and gas industry to help the world meet its energy needs.


The client needed a more efficient and automated Global Mobility process, which would align their global policies and procedures, ensure accuracy, and reduce administrational burdens.


NES Advantage Solutions undertook an extensive market research project to compare four Global Mobility technology solutions. After selecting a portal which was equipped to deliver the client’s specifications, we then commenced implementation and provided training to our internal NES team to ensure they were proficient in the new software. Following this, we developed a training programme to share with our client. 

  • Initial overview sessions for platform familiarisation
  • Detailed training sessions on specific areas of the portal (including 1-1 sessions for team members who needed extra support)
  • Detailed guidance notes enabling the client to access help 24-7
  • Ongoing support with reactive assistance provided as required

We made time for regular feedback to address concerns or struggles in real-time.

Our comprehensive approach ensured that the go live date of the new software ran smoothly.


As the portal evolves NES are on hand; we continue to listen and support their training and development needs to ensure their utilisation of the software is approached proficiently.

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