Success Story - USA

Managed Solutions For Contract and Permanent Roles

BACKGROUND: With the oil and gas industry going through a down-cycle our client decided to consolidate and relocate from their Engineering site in Houston, to their Umbilical site in Mobile, Alabama. They wanted to use their new site to create a world-class manufacturing facility for Umbilicals.


The client was struggling to recruit a completely new workforce with specific training in Upstream Oil & Gas and even if they could find personnel, they did not have the means to mobilize them to site.

Compared to Houston, the USA’s Oil & Gas capital, Mobile is a much more remote location and has less to offer in terms of oil and gas opportunities, with a very different lifestyle. This created a talent attraction challenge for the client, as a large majority of their employees did not want to relocate.


NES Advantage has a vast global knowledge of the Oil & Gas industry, in which we have accomplished similar scopes of work. With our growing client relationship of almost a decade, we were able to utilize our extensive knowledge of both the client and the industry to provide quality expertise that met their needs.

With backing from our dedicated staff at our local Houston office, we offered a range of services to support the client’s recruitment drive:

Our recruitment team enabled the client to recognize the value in shared skills from across different sectors and encouraged them to retrain engineers from aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding backgrounds. This meant the eligible talent pool was greatly expanded.

We informed the personnel that the client would provide training to help them transition their career, encouraging many to take a leap of faith and relocate.

Our assignment support teams handled all candidate logistics such as organizing drug screenings and background checks, taking the burden away from the client.

Our finance teams are award-winning and adhered to all applicable legislation to ensure that the payroll process remained efficient and compliant.

We arranged quarterly site visits with the client and had weekly recruitment meetings with the HR team to discuss forecasting and to ensure the onboarding process was running smoothly.

The workforce we recruited were mobilized from across the US, including Florida, New York and Texas. This process was completed within a year.


Within 12 months our recruitment team made 100 hires across contract and permanent roles and mobilized them to site compliantly. As part of our scope, we have recruited for extremely niche job roles such as an Umbilical Subject Matter Expert. Other job roles included:

  • Engineers
  • Technical technicians
  • Full Finance team
  • Supply Chains
  • Facilitators
  • Full HR team

Our help on this challenge has led to us supporting the client with other projects and we are now the client’s preferred supplier.

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